It Is th^ denial of this law that hag led
Communists to advocate total abolition of classes
and found a socialist society on classless basig.
The Bolsheviks in Russia did try to do away
with all classes but then it was only an extreme
swing of the pendulum and it is idle to imagine
that the pendulum can stay there. The Bolshe-
viks have at last realised their ertor although
they still assert that classless society is their
^im. The practice of Russian Communism has
proved the incorrectnes^ of this theory. Mr. C.
Jinarajadasa writes:—

" At one sweep all were made 6qual, when the
Bolsheviks triumphed. The aristocrats and admini-
strators were killed or fled and hid themselves
among the masses; the thinkers and creators in
science, art and literature disappeared, the bourgeoi-
sie Was wiped out. All became "Comrades '* of
one caste. But very quickly inequality appeared.
The first new caste to spring up was that of the
military and the administrators, who called the
populace '"Comrades" but ruled them. But the
Strangest phenomena in Bolshevik Russia is the
revival of the Brahmana class. These were the
thinkers and the teachars of the nation, the profess*-
ors, artists and writers of Russia, who were unfit
for any military or commercial career, and with the